Preheat the over to 200 C and ling your pizza tray with parchment paper.
In a large bowl, mix the Self-raising flour and yogurt together with a spoon, then empty onto a floured surface and knead till it's not longer sticky.
Then, place the pizza dough in the middle of tray you'll be using and spread to the edges covering as much of the pan as possible.
Now your dough is ready we can begin to build the pizza. We'll start by adding the ketchup as we're going to be using this as our based. Using the back of a spoon, spread the sauce over the dough ensuring we have good coverage.
Sprinkle half the cheese, followed by the rest of the toppings. It really doesn't have to be pretty, just get it all on making sure there's an even spread of all the toppings. Now sprinkle the rest of the cheese.
Now it's ready for the oven. Place the tray in the over and leave for about 20 minutes or until it's nice and golden.
Remove from the oven and top with some parsley and chilli flakes.
Recipe Note
You don't have to make the pizza dough from scratch. You can use shop brought and even pitta bread for example.